Victor Antolini
Full-Stack Software Consultant
Hi, my name is
Victor Antolini
and I'm a Full Stack software developer.
I have dedicated almost 22 years to building websites and applications, mainly with PHP, for a wide range of technology companies.
I ❤️ software.
My professional record includes:
Video-on-demand platforms.
E-commerce (physical and digital).
Ride hauling mobile apps.
Credit reporting providers.
... and lots of fun projects in between.
As a generalist, I find great joy in plugging things together and seeing what happens.
- PHP - JavaScript - MySQL - HTML
- C# (Desktop, Console and Web apps)
- Server deployment, configuration and administration
- Data processing of any kind (scraping web, mobile and desktop apps)
- Python
- GIS (Map creation, processing and display)
You may contact me at: "my last name" at gmail dot com